Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A Little Light...

So last night I was looking around the Internet for job openings in Ensenada to teach English. Just for fun. I only found a couple and they were both posted in 2006. Just for fun I emailed one of the posts. But I thought there was no way they would get back to me. Well, she emailed me back today. And they're hiring in Ensenada for this school year which starts in August.

I need you all to pray for me. I am going to pursue this opportunity and wait on God to direct my steps. First I have to email a resume and a picture. Then she said she'd email me some application stuff.

Please pray with me that God would slam the doors in my face if this is not His will for me for the next 9 months.

And please, don't be scared or sad that I might not come home. Because I'll be sad enough for all of us. I miss all of you so much but I really do like it here. And it's only 9 months. I can get through that.

I love you guys!!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the update! Exciting! Yes, we will be praying for you. What a huge move. How is your Spanish going?

Anonymous said...

Sarah - Hi! I read your blog this times. Don't miss us it's way to hot here and we miss you lots! What a neat possibility for the fall - any other options? I would like if you came home and we could hang out, it feels as if you've been gone forever. We got a condo, across from SouthHills and LaCollina on Carnegie. God has really been blessing us! Take care and keep us up to date, Ben and I will be praying for you! Take care! - Nicole

Jennifer said...

wow! That's so exciting!! I'm praying for you!