This is a beautiful verse...
"For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come." Hebrews 13:14
It describes my life. I hope it always will. I don't care for what so many seek. Money, a "good" job, a big house, the best car, designer clothes. I want love, joy, hope, peace to flow from my life. I have no lasting city here, no lasting home. I love America as much as I love Mexico, China, Guinea, Iraq.
That verse reminds me of a little girl I met at Roca Fuerte (Strong Rock). A church in Maneadero. I can't remember her name for the life of me. She is about 10 years old. I first met during the Spring Break trip I took with South Hills in March. We went to Roca Fuerte's midweek evening church service. This little girl came to sit next to me. Through worship she lifted her hands high to God and shouted out the words with all she had. She was beautiful. Dark, sun-kissed skin, brown eyes and long brown hair. I wondered how this little girl had such a passion to worship God. Later in the servicea woman went up front for prayer. She looked about 55. Her name was Nieve and she had cancer. Tammie, a few girls on the trip and I surrounded her and prayed for her and her family. The little girl sitting next to me also came to pray with us. This woman was her grandmother. The next day we did a VBS at Roca Fuerte and had a bithday party for my new friend. She wore a purple Cinderella dress and was a princess for a day. She beat the crap out of the pinata and took a big bite out of the cake.
I didn't know I would see her again after that week. When I went back in May for my internship I saw her at church and VBS all the time. Always with a great big smile. But her grandma, Nieve, wasn't getting any better. She went to Tijuaa a couple times for treatment. She died in late July. I haven't mentioned yet that the little girl lived with her grandparents because her dad laft and mom died when she was young. Not that 10 isn't still so young. Now she lost her grandma and they were talking about sending her to another city to live with an aunt. Before Nieve passed away, we had been planning on building Nieve and her family a house. They postponed it a couple weeks and built them a house the week after I left. During that week, Tammie had a special conversation she had with that little girl. The little girl said, "The next house I have will be made of gold and my grandma will be there."
For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come.

This is a picture of Ricardo (the pastor of Roca Fuerte) praying for the little girl on her birthday.

After she took a big bite of that cake!