And I have a mix of feelings right now. Really, I am very excited to start up VBS (Vacation Bible School) again in full swing. At the same time, the summer hangs almost like a dark cloud on the horizon because I know how much hard work it is. Also, as I think about my time in Mexico soon coming to an end, I get that pain in my throat that precedes the tears. I love these people. I love speaking Spanish. I love this weather. It's hard for me to imagine...I don't like to imagine the day when I will no longer see these friends who are so special to me. Meanwhile, I am very excited to return to Las Vegas. Return to friends, family, and my church whom I love so much. 

Transition. Something that is very hard to do. Something I need a lot of prayer about. First, transition into the summer. From doind day-to-day living in Mexico to leading teams. And second, trasition back to the States. It's rough for me to think about that
right now. But that time will soon be here. And I will be forced to transition. 

But no matter where I am and what I'm doing I don't want to forget the things God has shown me here. The relationships I've made. The protection He's given me. The health He's given me. The constant financial provision each month. The churches and houses I've seen built and the people blessed by them. The kids with such sweet faces as they are being loved on by teams. So good. So beautiful.