I don't remember the last time I wrote. But I will try to recap the past couple weeks.
Last week's English camp went very well. It was a lot of fun to speak to Africans in English. I could actually hold a good conversation with them. Our prayer is that God's Word will stick in their hearts. I think I told you that after the World Cup game, we were planning on giving three of the students English Bibles. Well, the game ended, and six of the students took Bibles!!! Only one of the students that was here did not take a Bible and Dee thinks that he might already believe, but he hasn't confessed his faith yet because of the persecution that is faced after.
On Friday afternoon, we went to the barrage (that's a dam in French) with some of the students. We walked around, took some pictures, and played SkipBo under a tree next to the river. It was very fun. Boss said he saw a big cobra that reared its head when he walked by. I saw my first snake, but it was in the concrete of the dam beyond reach.
On Saturday, we went to a waterfall. It was gorgeous. We hiked around a bit and then swam. I never imagined that Africa could be this green and beautiful. One time, we got the idea to drift down part of the river with the current and I thought I was going to die. I could not stop and I got semi close to a small drop-off. I was VERY scared. But I'm ok!
On Sunday, we drove to Pita (a nearby, large village) and went to their International church. The pastor preached in Pular and it was translated into French. There were about 25 African believers there. Their choir sang a couple songs and we had communion. Communion consisted of a quarter of a loaf of bread and one bottle of Guinee (like grape soda) divided between 15 or 20 people. I got about half of a sip out of an Arabic tea cup. It was fun.
After church, we went to another dam. It was much bigger than the one near Timbi. We had a picnic with a missionary family and couple that live in Pita. We walked to a waterfall that was about 300 feel tall. We got to stand right at the top of it. Gorgeous once again!
On Monday, we celebrated the Fourth of July. We had a party with our English students. We wanted to have it on Tuesday, but many of the students would not have been able to be there because they had to take the Bach in Pita. The Bach is the test that all of the graduating students have to take in order to graduate. So we celebrated the 4th of July on the 3rd. The party was SO fun. Our memory verse was "Obey the government for God is the one who put it there." Romans something. I don't remember. But we chose that one because it was America's Independance Day. But if we didn't have the party, no one would have celebrated it. Why would they? It's Africa. Anyways, the party was a lot of fun. We had hot dogs, beans, chips, and Coke and played picnic-type games. We played tug-of-war, three legged race, egg toss, a relay race where you had to run with a ball on the end of a spoon in your mouth, and a game where you had to get a piece of gum out of a pie pan filled with flour and you could only use your face to get it out. They really liked it. But some of them didn't like the hot dogs or beans too much. About 30 students were at the party.
Monday also started our second week of English camp. This week was for beginners. They were all on different levels. Some of the students are junior highers (14, 15, 16 years old) and they know quite a bit. And some of the adults barely knew anything. They are not literate either. But they are learning! On Tuesday, I taught basic English greetings and things. On Wednesday, I taught about money and how to buy things. I set up a mini store and I was the seller and they had to come buy things from me in English. Very fun. On Thursday (today), I taught about opposites. Left, right. Weak, strong. Long, short. Cheap, expensive. Today was our last day. Only four days. Today, Dee presented the Gospel to them. Our memory verse was Romans 5:8 "But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners." We deliver the message, now it is God that works in their hearts and them that make the choice. We have faith that God's word is powerful and he will get the glory. We had about 25 students this week. It was much bigger!!
It has rained a lot this week!
Tomorrow, we are going to Labe to see a waterfall, go shopping, visit with the missionaries there and go to church. We will be back Sunday afternoon and then we leave on Monday morning to go to Conackry. Then Friday, I leave to come home! It's so soon!
Please continue praying for me and the people of Guinea!! Love you!!